DAY 2: June 16th, 2017


Panel 4: Mental Health Literacy Curriculum

Description of Panel Discussion

Mental health strategies have become a strategic priority for Canadian post-secondary institutions over the recent years.  Three institutions will discuss their mental health literacy curricula approaches, highlighting a student-facing, staff facing, and a campus community approach, in the context of their mental health frameworks.

Panel members


Panel 5: Interactive Session – Assessment & Evaluation

Description of Panel Discussion

This interactive session provided participants with a brief overview of assessment and evaluation trends in campus mental health. Panelists provided highlights of clinical and program evaluation outcomes (Sandra Yuen, University of Toronto), climate studies (Lina Di Genova, McGill University) and data from the University of Calgary’s campus-wide mental health strategy framework (Andrew Szeto). Participants were invited to engage in an assessment exercise to guide the Best Practices Network’s next steps!

Panel members