• Stimulating Social Connections Favorable to the Mental Health of Students/Stimuler Les Liens Sociaux Favorables à la santé mentale étudiante
    Feb 06, 2025 | Observatoire sur la santé mentale étudiante en enseignment supérieur (osmées)

    Created by the Observatoire sur la santé mentale étudiante en enseignment supérieur (OSMÉES), the guide, “Stimulating Social Connections Favorable to the Mental Health of Students/Stimuler Les Liens Sociaux Favorables à la santé  mentale étudiante,” is designed for administrators and collaborating partners who play an active role in executing the Action Plan on Student Mental Health in Higher Education (PASME, 2021-2026). 

    The purpose of the guide is to assist PASME coordinators and stakeholders to:

    • Increase awareness among institutional staff about the importance of fostering social connections on campus.
    • Encourage the adoption of evidence-based approaches to strengthen student social interactions.


    The guide presents seven categories of support, detailing methods for applying these strategies and outlining their potential impacts. It also offers practical implementation steps and key principles to ensure their effectiveness. These approaches are grounded in research findings and were identified as priorities in collaboration with a monitoring and advisory committee composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including faculty members, students, psychosocial support professionals, researchers, and other experts.

    Download the guide here (PDF)