• From Intention to Action (FITA)
    Jul 01, 2017 | Carleton University

    The From Intention to Action (FITA) program is an evidence-based counselling and learning skills program, developed by Carleton University, for “distressed” students and provided by graduate-level student trainees.  FITA is a twelve-week individual counselling program that begins with a holistic assessment and feedback session.  FITA has robust program evaluation outcomes based on six years of outcome data from Carleton University and two years of transferability data from the University of Toronto and Humber College.  FITA shows positive outcomes on measures of mental health, academic functioning, and academic retention.

    Download the From Intention to Action Toolkit (PDF)

    From Intention to Action Panel:

    Humber College, Carleton University, University of Toronto

    Created by John Meissner and Larry McCloskey at Carleton University, the From Intention to Action (FITA) program integrates counselling and learning skills for a more proactive and effective response to student wellbeing and skill development.  John Meissner presented on the program philosophy, program components, as well as longitudinal data demonstrating positive outcomes.  Humber College and the University of Toronto spoke to the transferability of FITA to their institutions, highlighting challenges and key lessons.

    Panel Members: