Examining the Role of Sociodemographic Characteristics in Postsecondary Non-Completion and Labour Market OutcomesJun 05, 2024 | Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
The report Examining the Role of Sociodemographic Characteristics in Post-Secondary Non-Completion and Labour Market Outcomes by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) investigates how factors, such as racial identity and economic circumstances, impact students’ experiences within post-secondary institutions, including their ability to complete their education. Utilizing data from Statistics Canada’s Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform, this report explores the barriers students experience throughout their academic career and once they join the labour market. Findings from the report show that students with disabilities or from Indigenous and racialized groups had higher non-completion rates and lower household income than their peers. One year following post-secondary education completion, Black and First Nations students had the lowest household income compared to their peers.
Download the report here (PDF)