Substance Use Policy on CampusMay 18, 2018 | Healthy Minds | Healthy Campuses
This resource by Healthy Minds | Healthy Campuses, is a four part discussion paper that outlines a potential framework to inform substance use policy on postsecondary campuses. The resource invites readers to consider a broader range of policy initiatives relevant to substance use beyond regulation. Learn more about each of the four discussion papers and download the resources below.
A Framework for Thought and Action
The Framework for Thought and Action resource outlines a health promotion framework that can inform policy use on postsecondary campuses. The resource encourages readers to reflect on the theoretical approaches of the framework and explore how it could translate to their campus community.
Download the Framework for Thought and Action resource (PDF)
Building Community
The Building Community resource focuses on the role of community within a health promotion framework for campus substance use policies. The resource encourages readers to consider how policies that strengthen ties and promote positive relationships can have a significant impact on an institution’s culture surrounding substance use.
Download the Building Community resource (PDF)
Promoting Health Literacy
The Promoting Health Literacy resource explores how campus policies can attend to culture and health literacy to promote healthier substance use practices.
Download the Promoting Health Literacy resource (PDF)
Regulating Use and Marketing of Substances
The Regulating Use and Marketing of Substances resource outlines various regulatory and marketing measures to reduce the harms associated with substance use on post-secondary campuses.
Download the Regulating Use and Marketing of Substances resource (PDF)