Dungeons, Dragons, and Group Counselling: How Therapeutic D&D Groups Slayed Anxiety and Loneliness at Two Post-Secondary Institutions


Hosted by CACUSS, this webinar focuses on how counsellors at two post-secondary institutions in Canada have used role-play games as a therapeutic treatment for post-secondary students within group counselling. The presenters will provide a research overview on this topic, information on the design and facilitation of the intervention, and mental health outcomes such as anxiety and loneliness. The webinar will also provide a demo of the Dungeons and Dragons program so attendees can experience the program. Register Here for the Dungeons, Dragons, and Group Counselling Webinar

Challenges Facing International Students and Opportunities to Enhance Wellness & Resources On and Beyond Campus


Join Healthy Campus Alberta and the Center for Newcomers for a panel webinar where international students will share their experiences as newcomers to Canada and adjustment to life on campus. The discussion will highlight both difficulties and ways to support international students, including sharing useful resources and tools. Attendees will also be able to share insights and resources that they have provided to international students during breakout rooms. Register for the webinar here